
刘雄,男,1987年生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,就职于威廉希尔williamhill应用化学与制药工程系,主讲《制药工程专业导论》、《药物制剂学》和《药品生产质量管理(GMP)》三门理论课程,2020年获威廉希尔williamhill第六届教师课堂竞赛工科组一等奖,并获湖南省教师课堂竞赛三等奖。当前主要从事天然药用植物资源开发与手性药物拆分的研究,近年来主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,以第一作者或通讯作者在《Separation and Purification Technology》和《Chirality》等国内外刊物上公开发表SCI论文9篇。
联系方式:Email: liuxiongcsu@163.com
[1] 国家自然科学基金,极性与二面角双可调型聚苯乙烯-轴手性联苯双膦配体的制备及其拆分氨基酸对映体性能研究(No. 51703060),24万,2018.01-2020.12
[1] Xiong Liu*, Shuhuan Chen, Yu Ma, Wenjie Xiao. Enantioseparation of 4-Nitrophenylalanine using (S)-SDP-metal complex as chiral extractant. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 239: 116547.
[2] Xiong Liu*, Yu Ma, Ting Cao, Danni Tan, Xinyu Wei, Jin Yang, Lin Yu, Enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction of amino acid enantiomers using ( S )-MeO-BIPHEP-metal complexes as chiral extractants[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 211: 189-197.
[3] Xiong Liu*, Yu Ma, Qi Liu, Xinyu Wei, Jin Yang, Lin Yu, Chiral extraction of amino acid and mandelic acid enantiomers using chiral diphosphine ligands with tunable dihedral angles[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 221: 159-165.
[4] Xiong Liu*, Yu Ma, Longqi Xu, Qi Liu, Enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction of 3-chloro-phenylglycine enantiomers using ( S , S )-DIOP as extractant [J]. Chirality, 2019, 31: 750–758.
[5] Xiong Liu*, Yu Ma, Ting Cao, Suping Jiang, Peiyi Yang. Chiral extraction of amino acid enantiomers using (S)-SEGPHOS-metal complexes as extractants. Chemical Papers, 2020, 74: 1229-1239.
[6] Yu Ma, Xiong Liu*, Wenqi Zhou, Ting Cao, Enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction of DL-mandelic acid using chiral diphosphine ligands as extractants[J]. Chirality, 2019, 31: 248–255.
[7] Xiong Liu*, Longqi Xu, Yaqing Liu, Wenqi Zhou, Synthesis of citric acid-modified resins and their adsorption properties towards metal ions.Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5:171667.
[8] Xiong Liu*, Wenqi Zhou, Longqi Xu. Synthesis of CuPF6-( S )-BINAP loaded resin and its enantioselectivity toward phenylalanine enantiomers[J]. Chirality, 2017, 29: 541–549.
[9] 刘雄,马雨,周文琦,肖文洁,王俊. 双膦配体拆分2-氯扁桃酸对映体性能研究[J]. 化学工程,2020, 48(3): 25-31.